Custom portraits pillars of eternity
Custom portraits pillars of eternity

custom portraits pillars of eternity custom portraits pillars of eternity

Hint: If the button does not show up for you, it means that the game can't find any valid custom portrait files. and it will show all installed custom portrait files for you to choose from. When you get to the portrait selection screen in-game (either during character generation, or by going to the character record screen and clicking Customize > Appearance), simply click the button that reads " CUSTOM": Step 3: Select the portrait images in-game (If it does not exist, simply create it.)

  • " /home/$USER/.local/share/Icewind Dale - Enhanced Edition/portraits/" - on Linux.
  • " My Documents\Icewind Dale - Enhanced Edition\portraits\" - on Windows.
  • Unlike with the original IWD game, that folder is not inside the directory where the game itself is installed, but rather located at: To install a portrait, copy both images into the game's portrait folder.
  • give them filenames that are only up to 8 letters long and don't contain spaces (for example Monk01L.bmp and Monk01M.bmp).
  • save the images in the 24-bit bitmap (.BMP) format.
  • make sure the images are not wider than 1024 pixels (because the game engine cannot handle that).
  • make sure the aspect ratio matches that of the recommended size (otherwise the images will look squeezed in-game).
  • crop each image to show the exact content you want.
  • (The game is capable of resizing them as needed.) The image sizes and other recommendation listed in that diagram are used by all the built-in portraits, but you don't have to follow them exactly for your custom ones.

    custom portraits pillars of eternity

    Here's how:įor each character for whom you want to have a custom portrait, you should create two images, one for the character record screen and one for the sidebar: Remove all ads! Like the other Infinity Engine games, IWD:EE lets you use custom portraits.

    Custom portraits pillars of eternity